John Nickson-update and question
Hi Jeremy,
It is now some time since my cortisone injections in both wrists and operation on my left wrist. I quote :
"Cortisone injections February 24th, immediate cessation of pain and thereafter gradual improvement in both hands.
Had op on worst hand(left) Friday 8th June. No noticeable improvement in hand operated on but both hands continued to improve."
Both hands are still fine but when I cycle for some time, including some rough ground (+20 minutes) I have been experiencing CTS in my right hand. It goes after a while when I stop. Left hand is fine.
I am playing tennis regularly with no CTS.
Sometimes when I have been cycling in cold weather without gloves(lost again !) my thumb and first finger have gone into a painful locked spasm. Could this be connected with the operation ?
Again thanks for your efforts, much appreciated.
Sounds like a pretty successful set of injections overall. Interpreting 'painful locked spasm' is difficult without seeing it. Simply on a basis of what is common in people with CTS one would wonder about trigger digits. There are other possibilities however, some of them associated with CTS/surgery and some not. Have a read of the trigger digit description and see if that seems to fit the bill. JB
I forgot to thank you for your comments ! They are much appreciated and this forum is a wonderful resource
My hands are still ok although I have noticed symptoms occur in my right hand if I rest my head on in during sleep.
Thanks again for all your help.
It is of course very likely that the hand which has only been injected (the right I think) will relapse at some point but you probably don't need to do anything about it until you decide it is a significant nuisance - and then of course the really interesting question will be whether to try re-injecting or to operate. In many areas you would not be offered a second injection and in very few indeed a third, but in reality there is very little evidence to guide treatment in that situation. Are the left hand fingers still 'locking' sometimes? JB
I should have said injections/operation 2012