Pain and numbness
24 February 2014 - 8:28pm
I have got really bad numbness in my little finger and the finger next to it on both hands, it's getting that bad that I keep dropping things and cannot grip things.
I have had both hands operated on for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Advice please
25 February 2014 - 8:56am
Still very very sore and hands are so weak, I still get numbness in all the fingers but the little finger and one next to it are the worse at the moment.
25 February 2014 - 5:04pm
I would like to see you in a clinic when Nick is around too and the first chance for that is 17th March - shall I send out an appointment for then? JB
That's the territory of the ulnar nerve which usually gets into trouble at the elbow. Your ulnar nerves looked normal when we used them for comparison with the median nerves when we testing you for CTS. If that persists we will check them again. How's the scar tenderness from the carpal tunnel surgery doing now? JB