Pain in wrist for 2 years need advice on what to do
I am 17 years old and a heavy computer user (do a lot of gaming out of school hours). For at least 2 years now I have had mild wrist pain/a stiff feeling in both hands when typing or using the mouse on the computer which is very uncomfortable, however when not using a keyboard or mouse I usually experience no pain. The symptoms are much more prevalent in my right hand (for using the mouse).
When doing more prolonged typing the pain in the wrist gradually gets more severe and begins to extend to my thumb and index finger which also results in them feeling stiff (for example when writing up some school work), this results in it becoming difficult to type. After the symptoms have got to this level it will take several days (at least) to return to the previous state I described and I will experience wrist pain at all times which is worse when returning to a computer. This is an on going problem and the severity seems to be intermittent.
I also have bad circulation to my hands (they feel cold and fingernails can look slightly purple), not sure if this would make any difference.
I have not found any other activity so far that causes the issue.
I have been once to see my GP but this was in the very early stages and nothing much was thought of it at the time as I had only been experiencing the pain for a short amount of time.
I was planning on becoming a computer programmer so this is quite important to me.
Not sure if I am posting in the right website for this but could this be CTS or most likely another issue? Any ideas?
There is no strong family history, in fact I can't think of anyone with the issue. I will try some experimentation as you suggested.
Thanks for the help! Greatly Appreciated.
Edit: I actually live near Folkestone
In that case if your GP makes no progress with it and it's a persistent problem then you can be referred to the hand clinic. JB
It's not impossible that there is an element of CTS in that but it is not a typical story. In particular CTS is uncommon in your age group unless there is a strong family history? Some form of tendinitis might be another possibility and there are doubtless other explanations too. If it is persisting despite a bit of experimentation with keyboard/mouse layout and type then I would probably consult a rheumatologist, hand surgeon or hand therapist, depending on what is available in your local area. JB