Advice needed
Hi All,
I'm in need of some advice as I'm a bit stuck on what to do as my GP has been telling me it will go away but hasn't..
So around 3 years ago i had issues with my wrists aching while working and shooting pains in my fingers i went to see a physio which helped with this and hadn't had an issue untill Christmas time this year.
The issues i have been having in both hands are, stiff fingers, pains in all of them at some point, now and then i'll get a tingling feeling in the tip of my thumb and index finger, wrists aching, weakness in the hands and wrists and pains in my elbows.
At night i am also being woken up with the little finger and ring finger cramping up on both hands. I have been to see a physio again but believe this could be an issue with my neck as i get alot of pains in the lower part.
The GP has sent me for an x-ray and blood test on my hands, but i haven't got much confidence as it feels like he think i'm overreacting.
I do work in IT so i'm using the computer a lot in the day. I do try take a lot of breaks now to get off the PC for a while but it's getting to the point now where it's hurting a lot while working and don't know what to do.
Any advice on what to do or where to go would be a great help.
Thank you,
Thank you for the fast reply and the information. I will follow this up with my GP when i get my results regarding my x-ray and blood test.
Thanks again.
There is a small chance that might be CTS but they are pretty atypical symptoms and in particular the night time symptoms in the little and ring fingers are more suggestive of trouble with the ulnar nerves at the elbows than of CTS. It might be worth getting it checked out with nerve conduction studies for that reason as it would cover both possibilities. It may not be neurological at all and if no evidence of a nerve problem is found then one could always try a rheumatologist or a hand surgeon for a further opinion. JB