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Christine Griffin

My CTS in my right hand is causing me severe pain and has been since Tuesday of last week and not sure what to do next, everything that I do is severely restricted and I am limited to how much I can do at any one time...
I have accommodated for this so I don't over do things and at night I take a low dosage Ibuprofen tablet so as to get a reasonable nights sleep....
Not sure what my next move should be and is worth having another steroid injection?

Kind Regards

Christine Griffin.


It responded pretty well to steroid injection in October so you might consider doing it again - if only as a quick fix if symptoms are that bad at the moment. We could inject it for you tomorrow morning but you still might want to think seriously about the option of surgery as a more permanent solution. If you are free tomorrow morning between about 8:30 and 11:30 you can drop into my clinic and we can talk about it/inject it. JB

Christine Griffin

Thank you for getting back to me...

Tomorrow is a little bit short notice although I would love to attend,,,,,

When is your next available space and are you able to inject it in Canterbury or will I have to go to Deal Hospital as I did before.....



We can do them in Canterbury most days now but this coming week Monday is the only chance because of staff holidays. You could also try calling the SIPC office and see if they have any availability at one of the GP practices during the rest of the week. We should be back in normal service in Canterbury from 24th March. JB

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