Post Op


I had my operation on my left hand by Dr J Rine at Herne Bay on 25/02/2017. Whilst the injections for the op were a little uncomfortable, I would say it was well worth the uncomfortable feelings, albeit I think I had made myself think the worse, I cannot believe the progress that has already been made. On Saturday afternoon, the numbness and tingling had already left my fingers and on Saturday evening I had feeling back in my hand. I am not still able to grip that well, however, I can already feel a vast improvement in my hand. I can make a fist and touch each of my fingers with my thumb. I am doing all of the exercises that were on the sheet post op and would not hesitate having my right hand operated on. I hope this gives reassurance to other CT patients.


Thankyou for taking the trouble to post. It's always good to hear from patients who are doing well. The net tends to be dominated by those with problems. JB

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